
Our story

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Our story


Hello, we are Kevin and Sofie. We live in Ghent and are the owners of this apartment. We bought this apartment because we believe in Brussels (capital of the European Union) and in the area around the building.

The reason we started this project in 2016, refers to the professional background of Kevin. He is captain of a ship, and has travelled around the world for many years (and still is) for his work. Sometimes short term, sometimes for long terms. There he realized; that you are better in a good apartment than in a hotel without charm and character. After all you want to come home after work, even though you’re not at home. We both know what needs of an expat are when he / she comes to live in Brussels. We therefore want a personal contact with our guests. This was the main reason to start this website.

Why a real estate agent or other agencies to do the job? While we love to help people ourselves and come up with solutions. We’re ready to make your stay in your stay in the apartment memorable.


Kevin & Sofie